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*Give Away, Abundance & Shoe Magic

Updated: May 27, 2020


The first order of bizness…can we serve up the realness because I am vibrating in this abundant space so it’s time for a GIVE AWAY! Details below on how to enter to win this print of my Jimi Hendrix piece (12” x 16” on semi-gloss paper).


Okay get your tea girls, light some incense and get comfy. Nag Champa works. It’s story time. So today we’re going to talk about the attitude of abundance, your wealth mindset and the fact that I’ve started hand-painting shoes. Like what - the - actual - F*CK. How did this even happen? I’ve never ever worn a pair of Vans before and suddenly I’m on my 3rd order with a 4th waiting for me. Yassssss Universe. I receive your flow. I am terrified and yes, I STILL receive this flow of energy! It’s a trip because I’ve only ever painted on flat things: canvas, natural wood, album covers, and so on. But one day when I was practicing taking bigger risks because of the dopeness in these cosmic books I’ve been reading (which I mention here later), I decided to take A YUMMY BIGGIE risk. Because the bigger the risker, the bigger the reward. I saw this contest thru Plaza Art and Angelus Shoe Paint that peeked my unicorn imagination. Now I’d never in my life painted on a shoe or used this type of paint (which is very different from acrylic paint, it’s thick and weird and spills easily if your clumsy). But I’d recently had this oddly, peculiar - let’s call it a spiritual itch - to paint anything and everything that wasn’t your basic standard normal canvas. I’m currently working on listening to my higher-self / soul / instincts / intuition. And you KNOW our impulses are divine - you can believe dat. So I pumped myself up. I’m doing this.


Let’s talk about resistance…this book (OMG A MUST READ, The War of Art by Steven Pressfield), talks all about the resistance we face when we approach our creative passions or anything we truly desire. But my inner anit-devil-cheerleader was like “you’ve never even worn Vans, WTF, you’re going to paint on these and then what? They’re going to sit in your closet and get dusty. #LAMESAUCE…plus they cost money honey - and you ain’t got no coin biah - stop playin.” Wow. Okay. And why is my inner dialogue super salty? I told Satan to beat it and I ordered the shoes because I AM TAKING BIGGER RISKS NOW DESPITE MY FEARS. BOOM. Yeah all caps means I yelled it. I went to Blue Rooster, one of my fave little art shops on Hollywood Blvd. and I got a few colors of the shoe paint. I planned on doing something simple and safe, like little whimsical flowers in a summer field. But then I started thinking - WAIT! These shoes could be an art gallery on my mutha effen feet…these shoes could be a vehicle for my passion & my voice! I was literally going to be wearing ART and I could be political, I could be strong, I could have a VOICE! Yeah I was in deep. So I hadn’t started sketching the shoes yet or told anyone, (I was still in research Pinterest mode - kisses Pinterest) and then the most amazing thing happened…(hurry! This is a good time to take a pee-pee break and get seconds on that popcorn - by the way, try seasoning your popcorn with nutritional yeast. Nomz).


Yassssss, my favorite boo - the Universe - matched my frequency. I believe when we take a risk that makes our heart skip a beat, or we leap - the net appears and the Universe responds in kind to match our actions, thoughts and behaviors. So if I feel joy and wealth and I KNOW I am going to paint some Vans…the Universe is like “Let me bring you MORE joy and wealth and more Vans to paint, let me match my little sun child’s thoughts and enthusiasm with reality.” I love when the Universe calls me her Sun Child.

Anywho, I’m researching what to paint on the Vans and a friend writes me and says “Hey someone needs three pairs of hand-painted in a few days for a commercial shoot and I thought of you.” I was like “NO BITCH - I’ve never done that and I don’t think I can do that.” LOL. The friend I was with at the time said “What the EFF - DO IT! Are you Fc*king crazy? SAY YES, you'll figure out.” She was bossy and cute and she's a good friend, so I listened. But I've never painted Vans before, I don’t even know if it’s possible and I’ve never worked with this type of fabric paint and mostly - I’m scared …but…okay yes. :) Was the Universe testing me? The woman who needed the Vans never got back to me but I had said YES to her and I think the Universe heard me because now the orders keep coming in. And this was all just supposed to be part of some fun silly contest! #SYNCHRONICITY


As an artist (or just as a human) you have to know your value and see that there is space for you in order to be brave enough to make and even sell your work. So I’m scared, yes, - but I’m in the flow, I am NOT going to block the abundant flow of the Universe. I mean for Goddess’ sakes, I’m the one who co-crated & manifested the shit. If I don’t change and take risks and do things I've never done, how can my life change? I want more from life - so it looks like I'll need to give more of myself. Damnmmmmmm Gina. So yeah, that’s where I’m at. Oh and this new and improved way of upping my thought-game has been inspired by this magic book (keep reading for the title!) which is rocking my world, and reorganizing my thoughts & feelings. I am seeing hella opportunities just flow to me. And I KNOW it can be this way for ALL OF US. I had to get my mind in a healthy place about wealth, money and opportunities before I could start to manifest an receive those babies.


So you probably saw my fun little video of the orders I’ve done so far up above. I love how they are mostly female empowered…however, they can be whatever you want. The message on the shoe can be for you or for the world because wherever you go - people will read them and take notice. I painted my first pair to reflect the obvious…The Future is Female. Duh. Hello. Whoot whoot. But I have a whole list of suggestions for people who aren’t sure of what they want. And then the person on the other shoe for the most part reflects YOU - your majesty. But you can choose any physical traits. #REPRESENTATIONMATTERS #DIVERISTY. I’m so excited to keep going. It all feels so magical and challenging. P.S. Painting shoes is hard takes a long time. I may have cried twice. Another story for another time. And if you're feeling the vibes of these shoes and want to order some - voila! Subscribe to my Fox Tube for more fun videos.

FINALLY THE BOOKS & ALSO I LOST: Oh but wait... I never won that contest! But I submitted to another one. Can’t nobody hold me back. You only need one YES so I’ll keep trying and sharing my art. There’s space for all of us, all of the time. Even if you feel squeezed, oppressed, devalued, that ish is in your imagination because nobody has that power over - except YOUR OWN thoughts, actions and behaviors. WURD. So listen up boo, shine your light and get busy making changes in your life to serve your greater good. Living your best life ain’t nobody else’s business. What can you do different to switch up your beliefs and level up to a higher vibration? And when you start trying new things, shit will come up that makes you hella uncomfortable or that you’ve been avoiding. That’s normal…that means you’re doing it right. Breathe thru it. Keep going. You got this.

So for starters, can you read these two books by Jen Sincero? PLEASE for the love of Goddess! 1. “You are a Badass - How to Stop Doubting your Greatness and Live an Awesome Life" (link). And 2. “You are a Badass at Making Money” (link). They both catapulted me into another place of solution-oriented action and no non-sense thoughts, positive behaviors and belief boot camp. You have to practice daily but you will see results. She takes no prisoners and will hold you accountable. Ugghhhh. So many coincidental things have happened since I started reading the money book $$$$. My old self used to sabotage me and subconsciously block the flow of abundance because of my low self-worth. #THATSUPERSUCKS. Now I’m literally changing my beliefs about myself with annoying persistence, I am working on having my words, conversations with other people, thoughts and actions reflect the reality I want. It’s no longer “I want that” now it’s “I have that OR how can I get that OR how will I feel when I have that.” Because if you want it, it already exists; and if you desire it, it desires you. Love those Universal Laws from my Universe bae.

So basically that means no more complaining - and as we all know, low-vibe talk about what we don’t want, what we can't get, and who we are not, can be so deliciously addicting and a huge waste of time. I mean you’re literally telling the Universe what you can’t have and it’s like “okay, you can’t have it.” LOL. DUDE, just tell the Universe “I will have this”, and it will be like “Yes, you will have this.” Mix that with a little action a big sweet scoop of positive emotion and shit will start to shift. Seriously, it’s actually kind of fun. Money is flowing to me. Sounds scary and corny doesn’t it? If you said yes, here’s the Amazon link AGAIN so you can rearrange your most powerful resource - your thoughts. GO!

REMINDER: You are everything. You are beautiful. You are smart. You are talented. There is space for you. I’m going to record affirmations at some point and share them so you’ll never forget your effect on this world. :)


I LOVE this collage and I want someone to have this print of it. The original hangs above my bed giving me all kinds of LIFE. It’s sensual, powerful, and it’s pink puffy stormy clouds with Jimi just looking deep into my soul melts me. The full moon, the bird in between dimensions…I get chills. And I hope you will feel it too.

To enter the give away (I’ll announce the winner on August 5th so please check your IG DM’s on that evening, California time).

1. Comment on the Jimi piece on my Instagram page @fox_girl_magic

2. Tag two friends on that same Jimi Hendrix Instagram post

3. Subscribe to my blog by entering your email on my website (if you already have, I got you).

4. Promise me (you can do this thru this telepathy lol) that you will start putting your attention, energy, words, actions and behaviors on what you DO want, not what you DON’T want. Attention flows where energy goes. Pinky swear!

Love you to pieces,

The Fox who paints the Shoes. (Can we be cheesy and Shoe Girl Magic? ;)

P.S. Also stay tuned, I’m going to be doing more healthy cooking video because you all told me to LOL. Holla!

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